Look, read and say yes or no.
e.g. There is a lot of bread. ves
1 There are a lot of tomatoes.
2 There is a lot of olive oil.
3 There are a lot of biscuits.
4 There are a lot of eggs.
5 There is a lot of butter.
Помогите пожалуйста​



Ответ дал: ARMYIBTS


  • 1-yes
  • 2-yes
  • 3-no
  • 4-no
  • 5-yes


There are a lot of tomatoes - yes  (там много помидоров - да)

There is a lot of olive oil - yes ( там много оливкового масла - да)

There are a lot of biscuits - no (там много печенья - нет)

There are a lot of eggs - no (там много яиц - нет)

There is a lot of butter - yes (там много сливочного масла - да)

Удачи в  учебе ))

teplovarov1: спасибочки)
ARMYIBTS: пожалуйста))
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