Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

1. We (sing) a song when George (come) into the room.

2. The house was quiet. The boys (play) chess and Mary (read) a book.

3. He (write) a letter when I (see) him.

4. Harry (do) his work while his brothers (play) games.

5. When you (see) him last?

6. Jack (do) his homework when his father (come) home from work.

7. Mary (wear) her new dress when I (meet) her yesterday.

8. The sick child (sleep) when the doctor (come).

9. It (rain) hard when I (go) out this morniing.

10. I (read) the newspaper the whole evening yesterday.


Ответ дал: zhansayatyan


1. We were singing the song when George came into the room

2. The boys were playing chess and Mary was reading a book

3. He was writing a letter when I saw him

4. Harry was doing his work while his brothers were playing games

5. When you saw him last?

6. Jake doing his homework when his father came home from work

7. Mery was wearing her new dress When I met her

8. Was sleeping, came

9. Was raining(?) , went

10. Was reading (?)

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