Задание написано на фотографии, пожалуйста)))) ​



Ответ дал: akxd04
1. I’m writing an English exercise now.
2. I was writing an English exercise at this time yesterday
3. My little sister is sleeping now
4. My little sister was sleeping
5. My friends aren’t doing their homework now. They are playing football.
6. My friends weren’t doing. They were playing.
7. She was reading
8. She isn’t reading
9. Now she’s going to
10. What are you doing now? I‘m drinking
11. You were drinking? No, I wasn’t drinking, I was eating
12. She was reading, she’s reading again
13. My cat is playing
14. the sun was shining and birds were singing
15. Are you eating
16. Were you eating
17. What your father is doing now?
18. What you father was doing
19. Why she’s crying now?
20. Why she was crying?
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