помогите это английский я никак не могу​



Ответ дал: NeoBarreraCorporatio


1. Jeff lost his mobile phone, but we found it this morning

2. He ran fast and caught the bus in time

3. Did your parents give you a new tablet for your birthday?

4. I didn't know that Mr Smith taught at your school

5. Grace blew out the candles and the guests sang "Happy Birthday"

6. Did I leave my school bag at your house yesterday?

Ответ дал: AmirEshanov


1) jeff lost his mobile phone but we found it this morning

2)he ran fast and caught the bus in time

3)did your parents give you a new tablet for your birthday?

4)I didn't know that Mr Smith teach at your school

5)grace blew out the candies andthe guests sang "Happy birthday"

6)Did I leave my school bag at your house yesterday?


Past Simpe - прошедшее время

Его выражают через "формулу" :

Verb(глагол) во второй форме( таблица должна быть у тебя) или же если нет глагола во 2 форме то просто с окончанием "ed"

Это в положительных предложениях

В отрицательных и вопросительных ты Verb(2 или ed) превращаешь в "did" и ставишь его до глагола, который становится обычным


- I Did not play Football Yesterday

Did not можно записать как didn't

? Did you play football yesterday?

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