Памагите Я не понимаю как это делать:

Выберите нужную форму инфинитива

1. She is storry __ it.

a) to do b) to have done c) to be doing

2. Thet always wish me __ strong.

a) stay b) to have stay c) to stay

3. She forgot __ English exercises.

a)to do b) to be doing c) do

4. I want __ your story.

a) read b) to read c) to have read

5. A culprit must __.

a) have been punlished b) be punlished c) be punlishing

6. I believed him __ working.

a) to be b) be c) to have been

7. I forgot __ Mike.

a) have been waiting b) to be waited c) wait

8. I do not prohibit them __ even though I dislike it

a) to smoke b) smoke c) be smoking

9. I allowed them __ each other.

a) to have seen b) be seeing c) to see


Ответ дал: nad2506


1. b

2. c

3. a

4. b

5. a, b

6. a, c

7. to wait for (такого варианта нет почему-то)

8. a

9. c


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