My favourite buildings are the Pyramids. They _ the Egyptians. A build by B were built by C are built IT The Sydney Opera House - a Danish architect called Jorn Utzon. A is designed B was designed from C was designed by 3 The Eiffel Tower - millions of people every year. A is visited by B is visited C was visited 4 The first electric light an Englishman called Humphry Davy in around 1800. A made by B was made by C is made by 5 The old castle fire in 1997. A was destroyed B was destroy by C was destroyed by 6 Mobile phones people of all ages. A are used by B are use C is used by nore useful mputers are.


Ответ дал: abonte

1. В. Were built by

2. C. Was designed by

3. A. Is visited by

4. B. Was made by

5. C. Was destroyed by

6. A. Are used by

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