Make negative sentences with "to be"
1. You _____ not a student.
2. He _____ at home.
3. Mike and I _____ pleased about it.
4. I _____ not cruel.
5. It _____ good.
Вставьте в предложения глагол "to be".
1. I ... a pupil. 2. My father ... not a teacher, he ... a scientist. 3. ... your aunt a doctor? Yes, she ... . 4. ... they at home? No, they ... not at home, they ... at work. 5. My brother ... a worker. He ... at work. 6. ... you an engineer? Yes, I....7. ... your sister a typist? No, she ... not a typist, she ... a student. 8. ... your brother at school? Yes, he ... . 9. ... your sister at school? No, she ... not at school. 10. My ... sister ... at home.​


Ответ дал: Аноним


1)You are not.



4)am not

5)It's good.

1)I am

2)My father isn't; is.

3)Is your; is.

4)Are they; aren't.

5)is; is

6)Are; am.

7)Is; she isn't.

8)Is; is.

9)Is; she isn't.


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