Complete the sentences
1.She was doing her homework when
2.He was sleeping while she
3.Ann was having a bath when
4.Pete left the house just as
5.The kids were listening to music when
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Аноним: Пожалуйста не ищите в Г Д яз
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Ответ дал: InTrOvErT24


1)he came into the room

2)did her homework

3)her brother cleaned the room

4)the earthquakek started

5)mother did the housework

InTrOvErT24: пометь пожалуйста мой ответ как лучший,буду благодарна❤
Аноним: спасибо
InTrOvErT24: :3
Аноним: когда появится кнопка я отмечу
InTrOvErT24: ок
InTrOvErT24: спасибо)
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