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Ответ дал: nunny

1. If Jane (had bought) enough apples at the market, she (would have baked) an apple-pie for lunch last Sunday.

2. If Sally (had been) at home then, she (would have answered) the phone call. 3. If Pedro (know) English, he (speak) it now.

4. If they (had not arrived) so late last week, they (would not have gone) to the hotel by taxi.

5. If I (were) you, I (would not lie) to your best friend now.

6. If Bob (had learnt) the poem by heart, he (would not have got) a bad mark yesterday.

7. If David (had not cheated) at his test, he (would not have been punished) then.

8. If English (were) my native language, I (would not need) an interpreter talking to you now.

Angelina598: https://znanija.com/task/33743345 пожалуйста помогите английский язык
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