Пассивный залог. Вставьте пропущенные слова. Continuous Tenses.
1. I (to watch) ... !
2. My cat (to groom) ... now
3. The newspaper (to print) ...
4. Your money transfer (to process) ...
5. I think, I (to follow) ... when I was driving home
6. The building (to inspect) ... by the firemen, so we decided not to go there
7. Your stuff (to pack) ... by the movers right now


Ответ дал: nad2506


1. I am being watched.

2. My cat is being groomed now.

3. The newspaper is being printed.

4. You money transfer is being processed.

5. I think, I was being followed ...

6. The building was being inspected...

7. You stuff is being packed...


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