Составте сочинение на английском языке, тема: история США. Не менее 15 предложений и желательно небольшое(15-20 предложений).


Ответ дал: neangel2905

Hellow,people!I want to tell you about history of famous STATE-USA.

The history of the USA dates back only to the 15th century. In the 15th century there was no USA at all. The present territory of the USA was divided among some countries. In the 15th — 16th centuries some territory of the USA belonged to Great Britain (northern and western lands); southern parts (California, Florida, New Mexico, Texas) belonged to Spain, then — to Mexico; the central part, the territory was called Louisiana — to France; Alaska was possessed by Russia; some territories remained to be under Indians control.Now the United States is one of the richest, most civilized and largest countries on our planet.In the US people call americanway.There they speak English.Now in America, the President is Donald Trump...

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