You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend, Megan.
... I like to read news stories about young people of my age. But a lot of news stories about us/teenagers are negative. I think they don't care about our feelings. I sometimes ask myself, why they don't write happier stories. Maybe they want more people to buy the paper?
... Where do you get your news? Do you like to read news stories? why?

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.
Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Ответ дал: plummy15
Dear Megan,
Thank you for your letter. I am glad to hear from you.
I really like reading news stories. I usually get my news from TV and my telephone. To be honest the reason why I like to read news stories is because my life is really boring and these stories are always were interesting. And yes, I ask myself too about why they don’t write happier stories.
Is your life interesting? Why? Do you have really unforgettable moments?
Sorry, I need to go! My mom is calling me. I hope that you will send me a letter soon.
Best wishes,
И тут твоё имя, в конце НЕ ставь запятую

plummy15: Блин, абзацы опять слились. Посмотри правила написания письма
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