A: How the window?
B: 1..................(play) football and the ball.............(hit) the
window accidentally.
A: ..(see) John at the party last night?
B:Oh yes! he.........................(dance) with Jane when I..................(see)
A: What at midnight last night?
B: I......................(sleep)
A: I wonder how he.................(break) his left arm yesterday.
B: He ....... .........(paint) the walls of his bedroom when he
suddenly......................(fall) off the ladder.
A: Why................she..................(have) an accident last week?
B: Because she...................(drive) very fast and she............ (loose) control
of her car and eventually she.................. (hit) a big tree.
A: Why...............(not) you..................(answer) my call an hour ago?
B: Because I..............................(have) a bath.
A: What........... Terry...............(do) when you ..............(see) him?
B: He ........................(study) for his English exam.​


Ответ дал: plummy15
Смысл в том, что тебе сначала надо понять, действие произошло БЫСТРО (например: ты бросил кирпич в окно) либо оно происходило в течение какого-то времени (например: я готовился к экзамену вчера).
A: how did you break the window? (Past simple, то есть действие произошло быстро. Он разбил окно)
B: I was playing football (он играл в футбол в течение продолжительного времени, поэтому пишем Past continuous) and the ball hit... A: did you see B: Was dancing...when I saw...A:was you doing...B: i was asleep...A:broke...B:was painting...felt...A: why did she have...B:was driving...lost...hit...A:why didn’t you answer (на счёт этого не уверена) B: i was having...A:what did terry do when you saw B: he was studying
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