Выберите нужную степень сравнения прилагательного:
1)The 5th of November isn't the ... (Shortest/short) day.
2)The lion is ... (bigger/biggest) than the cat
3) It is a very ... (nicest/nice) car.
4)Jenny is a ... (most wonderful/wonderful) girl.
5)My flat is .. (bigger/the biggest) than your flat.
6.Australia is the ... (Smaller /smallest) continent in the world.
7) In the village'the rivers are... (cleaner/clean) than in the city.
8.Tom is the ... (better/best) student in our group


Ответ дал: zzz70047


1) shortest


3) nice

4) wonderful

5) bigger

6) smallest

7) cleaner

8) best

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