Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в present simple , past simple, future simple, present continuous, past continuous или present perfect
1 You ever (to see) the eruption of the volcano?
2 My father (not to watch ) TV every day
3 When I (to go) to the dentist’s, I (to break ) my arm
4 Lisa usually ( to wear) blue clothes but now she ( to wear) a red dress
5 I want to buy a new car. I (to go) to the auto shop tomorrow
6 My mother (not to prepare ) supper at ten o’clock yesterday
7 Uncle Tim (to decorate) the New Year Tree for the whole day


Ответ дал: Somnians

1. Have you ever seen the eruption of the volcano?

2. My father doesn't watch TV every day.

3. When I was going to the dentist’s, I broke my arm.

4. Lisa usually wears blue clothes but now she is wearing a red dress.

5. I want to buy a new car. I will go to the auto shop tomorrow.

6. My mother wasn't preparing supper at ten o’clock yesterday.

7. Uncle Tim has decorated the New Year Tree for the whole day.

Ответ дал: tikhmaria669


1. Have you ever seen the eruption of the volcano

2. My father does not watch TV every day

3. When I was going to the dentists, I broke my arm

4. Lisa usually wears blue clothes but now she is wearing a red dress

5. I will go to the auto shop tomorrow

6. My mother was not preparing supper at ten o'clock yesterday

7. Uncle Tim was decorating the New Year tree for the whole day


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