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Всем привет Меня зовут Али . У меня очень большая семья. у меня в семье мама папа и брат и сестра и я.

Моя мама домохозяйка. она нянчится с младшим братом и готовит еду на кухне

ей 38 лет

Мой папа Ему 42 года он любит смотреть фильмы и играть в шашки

По воскресеньям мы смотрим фильмы​


Ответ дал: zdadaeva61


Hello.My name is Ali.I have a very big family.My family has mom, dad, brother, sister and I.My mother is a housewife.She babysit with my younger brother and cooks in the kitchen.She is 38 years old.My dad is 42 years old.He likes to watch movies and play checkers.We watch movies on Sundays.

Ответ дал: nad2506


Hello everyone! My name is Ali. I've got a big family. There is a mother, a father, a brother, a sister and me in my family.

My mother is a housewife. She takes care of my little brother and cooks meals in the kitchen. She is thirty-eight years old.

My father is a (профессия пропущена). He is forty-two. He likes watching films and playing chess.

We watch films on Sundays.


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