1. Their new advertising campaign probably ...,
a. will succeed
c. will have succeeded
b. will be succeeding
d. is succeeding
2. Great news! Jean and Chris ... to stay with us.
a. come
c. are coming
b. will come
d. will have come
3. We're late. The film ... by the time we get to the cinema.
a. will already start
c. will already have started
b. will be already started d. have started
4. ... to the stationer's later? If so, could you buy a bundle of A4
paper for me?
a. Are you going
c. Will you go
b. Have you gone
d. Will you be going​


Ответ дал: mishaRF


1) а

2) с

3) b

4) d

Тоже делал такое))))

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