1. I could hardly keep awake – it was the (boring) film I’ve ever seen.

2. The (high) you climb, the (far) you fall.

3. Bill is (rich) than John.

4. Prices have gone up. Things aren’t as (cheap) as they used to be.

5. Tokyo is (big) than New York.

6. Tokyo is Japan’s (large) city.

7. You certainly look much (happy) than you did yesterday.

8. The day grew (hot).

9. This is his (good) novel. The other novels are much (bad) than this one.

10. Jane is the (young) of the three sisters.

11. I get on well with my (old) sister.

12. This is the (funny) bit of the film.

13. He is obviously (interested) in sport than I am.

14. It was the (expensive) hotel we had ever stayed in.

15. (Good) late than never.

16. Where is the (near) post office?

17. He was the (bad) pupil in the class.

18. Cats don’t usually live as (long) as dogs.

19. Children nowadays seem to be much (noisy) than they used to be.

20. Henry was the (big) of them.


Ответ дал: nad2506


1. most boring

2. higher, farther

3. richer

4. cheap

5. bigger

6. largest

7. happier

8. hotter

9. best, worse

10. youngest

11. elder

12. funniest

13. more interested

14. most expensive

15. Better

16. nearest

17. worst

18. long

19. noisier

20. biggest


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