Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. UK/Queen Elisabeth II/present/the/is/of/monarch/the?
2. the/United Kingdom/flag/the/made up/ of/ is/crosses/three/of.
3. famous/world/all/the/is/London/over.
4. university/when/built/Oxford/was?
5. drink/ coffee/ stopped/ He/ some/ to/


Ответ дал: nad2506


1. Is Queen Elisabeth II the present monarch of the UK?

2. The flag of the United Kingdom is made up of three crosses.

3. London is famous all over the world.

4. When was Oxford university built?

5. He stopped to drink some coffee.


khvostalona200497: Nad2506 прошу, помогите с английским!!!!!
khvostalona200497: https://znanija.com/task/33782915 прошу, не игнорьте , посмотрите!
khvostalona200497: Иначе меня училка прибьет!!!!
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