Напишите общий вопрос и полное отрицательное
1. My brother is at school.
2. The family is in a small house.
3. They are economists.
III. Переведите на английский язык предложения,
напишите общий вопрос и полное отрицательное
1. На заборе кошка.
2. В портфеле книги.
3. На парте тетради.
4. Под стулом туфли.
IV. Заполните пропуск предлогом, если он необходим.
1. We are ... home.
2. The window is ... the corner.
3. Take your copy-book ... ... the bag.
4. I play the ... piano.​


Ответ дал: iriscccca
1 Is your brother being at school now?
My brother isn’t at school now
2 Are your family living in a small house?
My family aren’t live in a small house
3 Are they economists?
No, they aren’t

1. cat on the fence
2. Books are in a bag
3. Notebook are on the desk
4. Shoes are under chair

1 at home
2 in the corner
3 in the bag
4 -
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