Помогите пжжжжж 1. What kind of food do you consider healthy and why?
2. What types of food do you eat to be healthy?
3. What is your favourite meal and why?
1 Can vou describe one particular cuisine, its dishes, beverages, food
5. What can you say about our national cuisine?
6. Can you name some problems connected with unhealthy lifestyle?
7. What do you usually eat before exams?
8. What do Americans cook on Thanksgiving Day?
9. What do Europeans cook on Christmas? Easter?
10. What does your family usually prepare as meals on New Year?​


Ответ дал: AngelIva


1) I think that healthy food is fresh fish. I think so because it includes a lot of minerals and vitamins.

2) As for me, I prefer to eat fresh fruits and to it fresh juice.

3) Well, my favorite meal is vegetables salad.

4) Russian tradition food is delicious.

5) Our traditional food is rich and very tasty.

6) There are a lot problems which people have just because they eat unhealthy food. For example, it is overweight.

7) I prefer to eat porridge and to drink water but nothing else.

8) As I know, they cook turkey.

9) On Christmas Europeans bake cakes.

10) Our family usually prepares different salads and other very tasty, delicious meals at all.

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