

Ответ дал: Impersona1


B4 - her

B5 - am

B6 - spoke

B7 - ladies

B8 - didn`t need

B9 - had to

B10 - equiped

B11 - were


pollyandhercats: помоги пожалуйста еще один у меня он в профиле
Ответ дал: nunny

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В4-В12, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию

текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск

соответствует отдельному заданию В4-В12.

B4. Cathy Smith had always been a poor flier and when she got off the plane, she felt dizzy. In the Airport Arrivals a young dark-skinned

woman came up to HER.

B5. "Dr. Smith? I AM Alanda Ken, your assistant here."

B6. Alanda had a nice intelligent face and SPOKE very good English. Cathy liked her at once.

B7. Both LADIES got into a taxi and headed to the hospital.

B8. Cathy DID NOT NEED to stay in a hotel as she was supposed to be living in the building of the hospital, like all the other members of the international medical team.

B9. Their mission in the African country was to help local doctors to cope with an epidemic of polio. Cathy knew that she HAD TO work very long hours, without weekends or days off.

B10. Cathy liked the hospital. It was a modern building and it EQUIPPED


B11. There WERE several clinical laboratories and the doctors looked busy but enthusiastic.

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