Поместите глаголы в скобках в Пассивное Настоящее совершенное или пассивный Past Perfect  очень нужно помогите если есть добрые люди 

1.the said the medicine (to prescribe)by the doctor 

2.He understood that the house(to rob)by the thieves

3.She said he(to see)the night before wirh a pretty girl in the club

4.He said that his Walkman (to give)to him By his mother as a Christmas


Ответ дал: Dag

Все ваши предложения в прошедшем времени,поэтому используем Past Perfect Passive.


They said the medicine had been prescribed by the doctor.

 He understood that the house had been robbed by the thieves.

 She said he had been seen the night before with a pretty girl in the club.

 He said that his Walkman had been given to him by his mother as Christmas...

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