ДАЮ 60 баллов!!!

1. Раскройте скобки с помощью Participle I или II

1)(To impress) by the film, they kept silent.

2)(To lose) the book, the student couldn`t remember the topic.

3)He spent the whole day (to read) a book.

4)(To travel) around America for a month, she returned to England.

5)He watched Mike (to go) out of the door and (to cross) the street.

6)The question (to discuss) now is very important.

7)(To pack) in the beautiful box the flowers looked very lovely.

8)(To descent) the mountains, they heard a man calling for help.

9)(To reject) by everybody he become a monk.

10)(To show) the wrong direction, the travelers soon lost their way.

2. Вставьте предлоги: after, at, through, for, to. чтобы сделать предложения полными

1)We are looking forward ___ the day when things will be a bit easier.

2)It`s hard work looking ___ the three children all day.

3)John was looking ___ work as a manager.

4)We spent half the morning looking ___ the keys.

5)Would you like to look ___ the magazine before I take it?

6)I`ll look ___ these files and see if I can find a copy of the letter.

7)Oscar couldn`t see what his aunt was looking ___.

8)They looked ___ the dog for us while we were away.

9)I`m really looking forward ___ working with you.

10)I`m looking ___ Jim. Have you seen him anywhere?


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 being impressed 2 having lost 3 reading 4 having travelled 5 going -crossing 6 being discussed 7 having been packed 8 descending ( восходя на гору) или having descend ( взойдя на гору) 9 having been rejected 10 having been shown

1 to 2 after 3 for 4 for 5 through 6 through 7 at 8 after 9 to 10 for


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