Fill in the gaps with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuos forms or the verbs in brackets.
1. Alice (sing) songs since childhood
2. Alice (sing) hundreds of them
3. Nick (play) football for about 5 years
4. Nick already (play) five matches well
5. Stephan (compose) many soundtracks to popular films
6. Stephan (compose) different melodies for ten years
7. Tracy already (take) pictures of her friends
8.Tracy (take) pictures of her family all day


Ответ дал: asony17032005
1. Alice has been singing songs since childhood.
2. Alice has sung hundreds of them.
3. Nick has been playing football for about 5 years.
4. Nick has already played five matches well.
5. Stephan has composed many soundtracks to popular films.
6. Stephan has been composing different melodies for ten years.
7. Tracy has already taken pictures of her friends.
8. Tracy has been taking pictures of her family all day.
Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 has been singing

2 has sung

3 has been playing

4 has played

5 has composed

6 has been composing

7 has already taken

8 has been talking

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