Напишите письмо своему английскому другу и расскажите про 2 популярных спорта среди подростков в России


Ответ дал: ninalukinskaya84





Dear friend,

Thanks for your letter. It was great to get it again. How are you?

I'd like to tell you about two popular sport in Russia for teen-agers. The first sport is football. All boys like playing it in yards and football pitches. Some girls like playing football too. The second one is swimming. A lot of teens like swimming in pools. They can swim with or without a coach. Who lives in a village without any pools like swimming in rivers or lakes.

By the way, what's your favourite sport? Do you like sport people? Do you want to be a famous sportsman?

That's all my news. Keep in touch.

Best wishes,

Your name

alimamedgasanov3: Ой, я случайно)
alina25304: как это тупо...
ninalukinskaya84: Блин... Это был мой тупой брат( простите за высказывание) :)
ninalukinskaya84: Two popular sports*
Ответ дал: alimamedgasanov3


Hello, my friend, how are you. We have not got in touch for a while. I want to ask you, do you do any sports? I don't know what sports are popular with you? I suppose you will be interested to learn my story about that what sports popular in Russia. Russia people like to play football. Football the most popular sports in Russia, its a very interesting. I think you too like to play football. I think football most popular in worldwide. Reply me to my letter and tell me do you do any sports? Waiting for an answer

ninalukinskaya84: Ой, прости, я случайно
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