Задать вопросы к предложениям

1. They finished their work at 5 o’clock.
2. It rained yesterday.
3. It will snow next month.
4. He has always wanted to visit that museum.
5.There are mushrooms in the forest in summer.
6. There will be no leaves in the trees in autumn.
7. He has translated two texts.
8. He had translated three poems by that time.
9. He is always late because he doesn’t want to get up early.
10. He’s in Germany now.

1. He saw a little bird in the garden.
2. He found the ball in the garden.
3. She wants to know its name.
4. He was at home because he was ill.
5. There are three mushrooms under the tree.
6. There is a mushroom under the tree.
7. She collected shells when she was a schoolgirl.
8. His plane leaves at 5.30.
9. They left Moscow two davs ago.
10. They will go to the stadium four times a month.


Ответ дал: 4aykass

Ответ: надеюсь, не опоздала


1)what time does he finish work?

2)when did it rain?

3)what does she want to know?

4)What did he always want to visit?

5)when are there mushrooms in the forest?

6)when there will be no leaves on the trees?

7)how many texts did he translate?

8)How many poems did he translate by then?

9)why is he late now?

10)Where is he now?

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