Задание 1. Замените прилагательные или наречия, в скобках, прилагательными или наречиями в соответствующей степени. Предложения переведите.

1) I like summer (well) af all seasons.
2) This room is (lighthan the one on the ground floor.
3) Canada is a large country. But Russia is (large) country in the world.
4) St. Petersburg is one (beautiful) cities in Russia.
5) Automatic devices make labour (safe) and (easy).


Ответ дал: Miiinako


1) I like summer better of all seasons.

Я люблю лето больше всех сезонов.

2) This room is lighter than the one on the ground floor.

Эта комната светлее чем на первом этаже

3) Canada is a large country. But Russia is the largest country in the world.

4).. is one the most beautiful cities in Russia

5)...labour safer and easier

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