1 и 2 задания спасибо в зарание



Ответ дал: answeryourquestion

Вопрос : 1 и 2 задания спасибо в зарание

Ответ :


1. Watch.

2. Doesn't go.

3. We eat.

4. Does she play....?

5. You never wash.....

6. Barks....

7. Do you like pizza?

8. They always do not play...

. 9. Borrows.

10. Leave.

11. Runs

12. Do they drink?

13. Doesn't cry.

14. What Does TOM read?

15. We love drinking.

Как нарушение не отмечай. Я доделываю пока....


Второе задание.


We are reading

She is not jumping

Are they painting?

He is driving...

Are blowing.

Are you buying this or not?

The squirrel is hidding...

Who is listening to the radio?

Is Kate drawing? .....

Teachers Are not giving.

You are not keeping...

I am mowing the lawn

Are you cleaning.?

We aren't wearing...?

Is not singing....

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