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1. Brenda Bones was poor and thin

Until her famous lottery win.

She won a million!

She p_ _ _ her bills!

2. She bought a big house in the hills.

And after a year of complete rest
then she decided to in__ __ __ __
in a super-size hot air balloon
and flew from Cairo to Cameroon

3. Forgetting the money she gave or l__ ___ t ,

till every penny of her million was s _ _ __ _

Then one sad day the balloon crashed
And Brenda Bones ran out of c___ ___ ___ .

4. She borrowed some c__ __ ns and took a train.
and walked until she was home again.

5. She had no money, she had no car
so she got a job in a little bar
and told long stories about her trips
and all the customers gave her t__ __ __.

6. It took her years to finally learn it

but money's better when you e__ __ __ it!


Ответ дал: nunny

1. She paid her bills!

2. And after a year of complete rest then she decided to invest in a super-size hot air balloon and flew from Cairo to Cameroon.

3. Forgetting the money she gave or lost, till every penny of her million was spent. Then one sad day the balloon crashed And Brenda Bones ran out of cash.

4. She borrowed some coins and took a train.

5. She had no money, she had no car so she got a job in a little bar and told long stories about her trips and all the customers gave her tips.

6. It took her years to finally learn it but money's better when you earn it!

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