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Add a comment or explanation to the sentences below using the words in brackets and the past perfect tense.

1. She refused the shellfish when it was offered at her table. (never/like)
2. I was surprised when she ordered a dessert because … (already/have three courses).
3. His health wasn’t too good. (have/several operations)
4. She was happy to be offered the work. (just/lose her job)
5. I couldn`t drive them to the airport. (my car/break down)
6. I didn`t think he would be out long because … (not take/his jacket).
7. Tom wasn`t at home when I arrived. (he/just/go out)
8. We arrived at the cinema late. (the film/already/begin)
9. I was very pleased to see Nora again. (not/see/5 years)
10. He knew much about London. (live/a long time)


Ответ дал: zorbing


1. She had never liked it.

2. She had already had three courses.

3. He had had several operations.

4. she had just lost her job.

5. My car had broken down.

6. he had not taken his jacket.

7. He had just gone out.

8. The film had already begun.

9. I had not seen her for 5 years.

10. She had lived there for a long time.

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