Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect Tense
1.Mr. Jones left the hospital at the end of April. He (break) his leg in March and (be) in hospital for about five weeks. He (get) into a taxi and (go) straight home. He (tell) everybody at home that the doctors and nurses (look) after him very well.

2.I left home this morning at eight o’clock, (jump) on a bus and (sit) down. The conductor (come) for the fare. I (put) my hand in my pocket for the money, but it (be) empty. I (forget) my money. I (leave) it on the table in my bedroom. I (have) to get off the bus and go home again. I (be) half an hour late at the office that morning. I never (be) late before.


Ответ дал: kajet

1) Mr. Jones left the hospital at the end of April. He had broken his leg in March and had been in hospital for about five weeks. He got into a taxi and went straight home. He told everybody at home that the doctors and nurses had looked after him very well.

2) I left home this morning at eight o’clock, jumped on a bus and sat down. The conductor came for the fare. I put my hand in my pocket for the money, but it was empty. I had forgotten my money. I had left it on the table in my bedroom. I had to get off the bus and go home again. I was half an hour late at the office that morning. I had never been late before.

kitstart11: спасибо)
kajet: my pleasure )
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