II. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.
1. Yesterday I got up early ... the morning and was ... time ... my lessons.
2. Tom came ... home late and went ... bed ... once.
3. When the weather is fine we go ... the country and when it is bad we stay ... town.
4. These students always ask ... their teacher ... books to read.


Ответ дал: malikamiryakubova


1) in,the, of

2) -,to,at

3) to,in



Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. Yesterday I got up early in the morning and was in time for my lessons.

2. Tom came _ home late and went to bed at once.

3. When the weather is fine we go to the country and when it is bad we stay in town.

4. These students always ask _ their teacher for books to read.

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