When Sultan allowed Prince Ali (Aladdin indeed) to marry Jasmine, Aladdin was afraid of telling the princess the truth. He kept it secret that he was just a poor young man, “a street rat”. Why? Is it so difficult to tell the truth? Should a person put on someone’s mask to be liked? Would it be easy for you to tell an unpleasant truth?


Ответ дал: lydmilakucherozh2qq



I agree with the statement that it is hard to tell unpleasant truth,especially for people you love.So,we can understand Ali,because he thought that the princess wouldnt communicate with a poor man.I have had such situations for several times,and I can say that it is difficult to tell true,but it is more difficult not to share with your problems to someone.So,I thik,if everyone will tell truth,I am shure.everything will be OK!)

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