Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными. 1. Advertising is an important element of the marketing plan. (What?) 2. All the necessary information was sent to the firm last week. (When?) 3. The accommodation was reserved by cable. (How?) 4. A new contract has just been signed. (What?)
5. Our president is satisfied with the results of the talks. (Who?)

Rahmann: 1. What is an important element of the marketing plan?

2. When all the necessary information was sent to the firm?

3. How the accommodation was reserved?

4. What has just been signed?

5. Who satisfied with the results of the talks.
Rahmann: ?*


Ответ дал: KsushaExpert




Составление вопросительных предложений просто:

1. Нужно вынести вопросительное слово на первое место;

2. Потом was/were; do/does; did; have/has в зависимости от времени

3. Переписать оставшуюся часть вопроса по смыслу.

1. What is an important element of the marketing plan?

2. When was all the necessary information sent to the firm?

3. How was the accommodation reserved?

4. What has just been signed?

5. Who is satisfied with the results of the talks?

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