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тема: Present Perfect. Negative Forms. надо исправить слова в скобках
1.A. George! B. Tony! I can’t believe it’s you! I (not see) you for ages.
2.A. That’s right, George. How ( you be)?
B. Fine. And how about you?
A. Everything’s fine with me, too.
B. Tell me, Tony, do you still live on Main Street?
3.A. No. I (not live) on Main Street for several years. I live on River Road now. And how about you? Do you still live on Central Avenue?
4.B. No. I haven’t lived on Central Avenue since 1995. I (move) to a house in Bridge street.
5.A. Tell me, George, are you still a manager?
B. No. I (not work) as a manager for several years. I’m a computer programmer now. And how about you? Are you still a painter?
6.A. No. I (not paint) for a long time. I’m a designer now.
B. Tell me, Tony, do you still play the saxophone?
7.A. No. I (not play) the saxophone for many years. And how about you? Do you still go fishing on Saturday mornings?
8.B. No. I (not go) fishing on Saturday mornings since I got married.
A. Well, George, I’m afraid I have to go now. We should get together soon.
B. Good idea, Tony. It’s been a long time.


Ответ дал: smuknaeva


1. have not seen

3 have not lived

4 have moved

Объяснение: Смотри: твоя задача ставить везде всё по формуле: have/ has глагол в 3 форме или с окончанием ed!

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