. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме.
1. They (to wait) for their friends last Sunday.
2. She usually (to watch) TV in the evenings.
3. You (to enter) our Institute next year?
4. I (not to listen) to the latest news over the radio yesterday
5. My friend (to wake up) very early every morning.


Ответ дал: dmaslov200537

1. They waited for their friends last Sunday. // past simple т.к слово указатель last Sunday

2. She usually watches TV in the evenings. // Present simple т.к слова указатели usually (обычно)

3. You will enter our Institute next year. // Future simple т.к слова указатели next year.

4. I didn't listen to the latest news over the radio yesterday. // past simple т.к слово указатель - yesterday. Listen без s т.к did

5. My friend wakes up very early every morning // present simple т.к действие регулярное

Ответ дал: greennet000


1) they waited

2) she usually watches

3) you will enter

4) i didn't listen

5. my friends wake up

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