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Ответ дал: nunny

B. Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in the box.

eat never take decide come turn out be turn into work help

When I turned seventeen, I finally (1) decided to get a part-time job at a pizza restaurant near my house. This restaurant (2) has been around for thirty years, and my dad even (3) worked there when he was a teenager. Since last summer I (4) have eaten more than fifty pizzas. Can you believe it? Anyway my job is not always easy. You have to be quick because sometimes there are a lot of people at the restaurant at the same time. For example, last Saturday, working there (5) turned into a nightmare. Almost twenty customers (6) came at the same time and I was the only waiter there. | (7) have never taken so many orders in such a short time. I must say I'm happy my dad (8) helped me get a job there, though, because so far it (9) has turned out to be an excellent learning experience.

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