Complete the text messages. Use: hot,
sore, get rid, drink, help, cold, better.
Sorry that you've got a 1) .............
Why not have a cup of 2) .......... tea
with lemon? It'll help you 3) ...........
of it.
Still got a 4) .............. throat? You
poor thing! Honey can 5)......
Add a teaspoonful to a glass of hot
water and 6)......... slowly. You'll
feel 7) ....... right away.​


Ответ дал: korunchyk


Complete the text messages. Use: hot,

sore, get rid, drink, help, cold, better.

Sorry that you've got a 1) cold

Why not have a cup of 2) hot tea

with lemon? It'll help you 3) get rid

of it.

Still got a 4) sore throat? You

poor thing! Honey can 5) help

Add a teaspoonful to a glass of hot

water and 6) drink slowly. You'll

feel 7) better right away.​

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