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mikromarh: суть задания


Ответ дал: mikromarh


17. He has been interested in jazz ever since he left school. 

18. We had a lovely time in Wales. - So you enjoyed your holiday, didn't you? 

19. I used to like swimming but I don't now. 

20. I have never seen so many beautiful girls as here at the party. 

21. My elder brother has had a car for two years already. He bought it in France. 

22. Has Jane recovered yet? - No, she is still in hospital. 

23. My watch has stopped. I must take it to the watchmaker's. 

24. Shakespeare was borning in 1564 and died in 1616. 

25. I'm sorry I can’t accept your invitation. We had already

made our plans for the holiday.

26. I was begining to teach Max to ride a bike last year.(начал в прошлом и до сих пор учу)

27. We have run out of milk. Can you go and get some from the shop?

28. My brother is an actor. He has already appeared in several films.

29.What did your father give you for your last birthday?

30.Have you seen Tom? - Yes, I talked with him an hour ago.

31.Are you the boy whose dog made a terrible noise at night? - I'm sorry, but you are mistaken, sir. I have never owned a dog.

32.What has happened there? - The dog bit the boy when he entered the garden.

33.Had you knew each other befor?

Ответ дал: Somnians

17) has been, left

18) had, enjoyed

19) used

20) have never seen

21) has had, bought

22) Has Jane recovered

23) has stopped

24) was, died

25) have already made

26) began

27) are running

28) has already appeared

29) did your father give

30) Have you seen, talked

31) was making, have never had

32) has happened, bit

33) have you known

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