Помогите с этими заданиями, срочно очень нужно​



Ответ дал: kajet

Task 2

1) on

2) out  

3) away

4) up with

5) off

6) through

Task 3

1) She was shown the way (by a boy).

2) We will be sent a box of fruit.

3) In summer the horses are often driven to the fields (by the boys).

4) The Poles were led into the thikest part of the forest (by Ivan Susanin).

5) The flowers are watered regularly .

6) The opera house will be opened next week.

7) This fax should be sent right now.

8) The meal had been cooked before the lights went off.

9) Many famous operas were composed by Puccini.

10) A new bridge is being built.

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