

Ответ дал: alelniki


1. If I had had enough money, I would have taken a taxi.

2. If I had been interested in the film, I would have gone to the cinema.

3. If we had taken the right turning, we would have arrived in time.

4. If Romeo hadn't thought Juliet was dead, he wouldn't have commited suicide.

5. If Oliver hadn't asked for more food, he wouldn't have been punished.

6. If the building hadn't had weak foundations, it wouldn't have fallen down.

7. If I hadn't been afraid of the dark, I would have gone upstairs.

8. If you had run fast, you would have come first.

9. If I had known she was an examiner, I wouldn't have made a silly joke.

10. If she had had a car, she would have driven there.


foxytvfasberovt8c8: там отрицательные есть предложения, почему ты все положительные сделал?
alelniki: Так работает Third Conditional. "Мне не был интересен фильм. Я не ходил в кино". -- "Если бы фильм был мне интересен, я бы пошёл в кино".
foxytvfasberovt8c8: понял, спасибо!
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