Complete the text with the most suitable form of the adjective in brackets.

London is one of 1) ………… (large) cities in the world. Its population is 2) ………… (low) than Tokyo or Shanghai, but it is one of 3) ………… (popular) tourist destinations of all. London is probably 4) ………… (famous) for its museums, galleries, palaces and other sights, but it also includes a 5) ………… (wide) range of peoples, cultures and religions than many other places. People used to say that it was 6) ………… (dirty) city too, but it is now much 7) ………… (clean) than it was. To the surprise of many people, it now has some of 8) ………… (good) restaurants in Europe too. For some people, this makes London 9) ………… (exciting) city in Europe. Unfortunately, London is definitely not 10) ………… (expensive) city in Europe, though a holiday in London is good value for money, considering what there is to see and do there.


Ответ дал: sabrinani
1. The largest
2. Lower
3. The most popular
4. Famous
5. Wide
6. Dirty
7. Cleaner
8. The best
9. The most exciting
10. Inexpensive
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