Напишите небольшое сочинение о том чем вы любит заниматься в свободное время, я рисую (самоучка) на английском


Ответ дал: diankazhuk05


I have very little free time. I have a schedule every day, and I always spend 30 minutes drawing every day, and if I have more free time, I just draw. I am very good at drawing. And I'm self-taught. I watched the video on YouTube, and asked my family how best to portray something. And I really like this hobby. I have and in truth well all is obtained, likes me and all my friends, and so same my native.

Ответ дал: nikaneta

Each person has his favorite hobby, a hobby to which he devotes his free time. For me, this is just drawing. Drawing gives me the joy of creativity, after it I forget about the troubles and worries of a difficult day, I rest my soul when I pick up pencils and paints and start drawing those images that come to my mind. Most of all I like to paint nature. It can be a forest or a sunlit meadow, over which colorful brightly colored butterflies fly. It may be the bank of the river, on which I often spend summer days, it may be my sweet village, in which I often spend a meal with my grandmother.

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