Задание 2. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. Last month some ... the engineers ... Machinoimport went ... Manchester ... business. They were to sign a contract ... Field and Co. ... the delivery ... chemical equipment. During the preliminary talks ... which the engineers took part the representatives discussed the prices, the quality ... the goods and the terms ... payment. As regards the terms ... payment Machinoimport was to open a Letter ... Credit ... the London Bank ... shipping documents. During their stay ... Manchester the repre¬sentatives ... the buyers were to inspect the models ... the equipment. Before they arrived ... Manchester the sellers had made arrangements … their visit … the plant.


Ответ дал: KsushaExpert


Task 2


1. Last month some of the engineers from Machinoimport went to Manchester on business. They were to sign a contract with Field and Co. for the delivery of chemical equipment. During the preliminary talks in which the engineers took part, the representatives discussed the prices, the quality of the goods and the terms of payment. As regards the terms of payment Machinoimport was to open a Letter of Credit with the London Bank on the basis of the shipping documents. During their stay in Manchester the representatives of the buyers were to inspect the models of the equipment. Before they arrived in Manchester the sellers had made arrangements for their visit to the plant.

council1975: arrangements for their visit. А так вообще чистая работа
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