Complete the sentences with the correct form of could or had to.
1) Before going on holidays last summer, we ______ pile up all our luggage on top of the car.
2) We ______paint our walls again because somebody spoilt them with graffiti.
3) My mother wasn't on duty last Saturday, so we ______ go to the cinema together.
4) The fridge was full, so I ______go shopping.
5) I had lost my keys and _______ open the door.
6) In the early twentieth century, people didn't have cars. That's why they _______walk a lot.
7) At that time, there was no electricity, so_______use people candles and oil lamps.
8) My uncle and aunt ______buy their house thanks to some financial help from the government.​


Ответ дал: udochkina1
1)had to
2)had to
3)could not
4)had to
5)could not
6)had to
7)had to
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