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Ответ дал: nunny

12 Choose the correct word from the options below to fill the gaps in the text.

A pickpocket died of a heart (1.) attack while being chased by his (2.) victim.

The 24-year-old robber had (3.) stolen money from a (4.) man waiting at a bus stop. When the victim (5.) realized what had happened, he started chasing the thief, who (6.) collapsed during the chase. An (7.) ambulance rushed to the (8.) scene and (9.) paramedics said the thief died of a heart attack. Later, the police (10.) found two stolen credit cards in his pocket.

(I) attack, blockage, stoppage

(2) offender, victim, suspect

(3) theft, pickpocketed, stolen

(4) individual, man, somebody

(5) recognized, realized, resigned

(6) broke down, failed, collapsed

(7) ambulance, first aid, emergency

(8) place, accident, scene

(9) specialists, staff, paramedics

(10) located, found, investigated

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