Open the brackets and use the right form of the Gerund.

1) I insist on (show) the new automobile to us. 2) You never mentioned (be) to Greece. 3) She denies (to speak) to him. 4) Mr. Osborne was indignant at his son’s (disobey) him. 5) (read) is her favourite occupation. 6) He was no objections for (send) there. 7) Before (leave) for London I called on my brother. 7) He left us without (say) good-bye. 8) She was proud of (award) the cup of a champion. 9) The cat was punished for (break) the cup. 10) They showed no sign of (recognize) us. 11) After (examine) by the doctor I was given a sick leave. 12) He is looking forward (give) the main part in the play. 13) She accused him of (steal) her purse. 14) Excuse me for (break) your beautiful vase. 15) She confessed to (forget) to send the letter. 16) This job is not worth (take). 17) The speaker was annoyed at (interrupt) every other moment. 18) He showed no sign of (hurt).


Ответ дал: nunny

Open the brackets and use the right form of the Gerund.

1) I insist on (showing) the new automobile to us.

2) You never mentioned (having been) to Greece.

3) She denies (having spoken) to him.

4) Mr. Osborne was indignant at his son’s (disobeying) him.

5) (Reading) is her favourite occupation.

6) He was no objections for (being sent) there.

7) Before (leaving) for London I called on my brother.

7) He left us without (saying) good-bye.

8) She was proud of (having been awarded) the cup of a champion.

9) The cat was punished for (breaking) the cup.

10) They showed no sign of (recognizing) us.

11) After (being examined) by the doctor I was given a sick leave.

12) He is looking forward (being given) the main part in the play.

13) She accused him of (having stolen) her purse.

14) Excuse me for (breaking) your beautiful vase.

15) She confessed to (having forgotten) to send the letter.

16) This job is not worth (being taken).

17) The speaker was annoyed at (being interrupted) every other moment.

18) He showed no sign of (being hurt).

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