Помогите пожалуйста с Английским языком​



Ответ дал: mafka32


1) 1. Are we... 2. Am i... 3. Are you... 4. Is it... 5. Is he going. 6. are the horses running... 7. Is Mary helping... 8. Is Tom' brother... 9. Are you... 10. Are they having...

2) 1. yes, she is 2. yes, i am 3. yes, i am 4. yes, she is 5. yes, they are 6. yes, it is 7. yes, they are 8. yes, he is 9. yes, they are 10. yes, they are

3) 1. если Bess это имя, то isn't helping, хотя about здесь звучит неумесно, лучше with 2. isn't plaing 3. aren't listening 4. isn't working 5. isn't riding 6. isn't looking 7. aren't swimming 8. употреблять have в английском-против правил, но есть маленькие исключения, не знаю этот ли случай, но оно звучало-бы так: isn't having 9. isn't making 10. isn't dancing

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