1 The batteries have ... Get another set.
a) died b) stopped c) run out d) gone on
2 There has been a power ... and now the lights are not working
a) cut b) run
c) stop d) break
3 The dishwasher broke ...yesterday. We'll have to get a new or
a) out b) over
c) up
d) down
4 I can't plug in the lawn mower because the cable is too short.
Please bring me the ... lead.
a) wire b) power c) external d) extension
5 This pipe is leaking. I'll need a ... to turn this bolt.
a) spanner b) screwdriver c) hammer d) torch​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. The batteries have ... Get another set.

c) run out

2 There has been a power ... and now the lights are not working

a) cut

3 The dishwasher broke ...yesterday. We'll have to get a new one.

d) down

4 I can't plug in the lawn mower because the cable is too short.

Please bring me the ... lead.

d) extension

5 This pipe is leaking. I'll need a ... to turn this bolt.

a) spanner

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